Villa o palazzo di interesse storico o artistico
The complex represents a significant example of late Gothic architectural style. The structure is divided into two naves, which are covered by cross vaults supported by pointed arches. It was constructed in the 14th century in the area of the early medieval castle, which was built by the powerful Marzano family. The castle is situated in a dominant position over the acropolis and the lower town of Teano. The edifice, which is owned by the municipality, has retained a civil character since its foundation, having served as a courthouse, armoury or seat of the nobility (so-called Cavallerizza). The monumental structure has undergone significant alterations due to historical events and natural occurrences. During the 17th century, the upper floor was still intact, but it collapsed due to an earthquake. Subsequently, various parts of the building were incorporated into the reconstruction, resulting in the current configuration where the large, panoramic terrace, also known as the Loggione, is situated.
Via Nicola Gigli, 23 – 81057 Teano (Caserta)
Chiusura settimanale
Martedì. Giorni di chiusura: 1° gennaio, 1° maggio, 25 dicembre
Chiusura temporanea
temporaneamente chiuso fino a nuove disposizioni
Tel: +39.0823.657302 (Ufficio archeologico di Teano)
Fax: +39.0823.658442