


Archivio di Stato di Caserta

The State Archive of Caserta was established in 1963. Its archival heritage in Caserta encompasses a chronological span of nine centuries, from the 12th to the 20th century, comprising a total of 115,436 archival units.

The earliest extant document is a parchment from Aversa, dated 1143. The oldest surviving organic documentary complexes are the notarial ones, dating from the 15th century. The Royal Palace Archives house the archives of the first notaries of Caserta, dating from 1426 onwards. The headquarters in Via dei Bersaglieri hold the notarial protocols of the province from 1465 to 1897.

The latter location also houses the diplomatic records, which consist of almost five hundred parchments, including some with musical notations. Of particular significance are the judicial funds, commencing with the local court of Piedimonte, which date back to the eighteenth century.

Furthermore, the Caserta Archive preserves documentation from the Court of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, within which the Grand Criminal Court also operated. This court was established in the aftermath of the Unification of Italy with the objective of repressing brigandage in the southern provinces.


Piazza Carlo di Borbone - Palazzo Reale – 81100 Caserta (Caserta)


Apertura sala studio: Lunedì-mercoledì-venerdì 8-15

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